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In a busy marketplace,
not standing out is the
same as being invisible."

Seth Godin

How to Generate Profit from Facebook and Instagram Ads


October 25, 2022 · 4 min read

When it comes to investing money into Facebook and Instagram ads, it’s a normal expectation to want to see profitable return on investment, that is speedy. Who wouldn’t? When you invest money into marketing, you want to see results. 

What is commonly overlooked however, and potentially the less glamorous side of digital marketing, is that unfortunately Rome wasn’t built in a day. While we are not ruling it out completely, for the majority, running a profitable ad campaign takes time. This is not something to be disheartened about, especially if you are new to running ad campaigns, as when done right, good things usually come to those who wait! Patience truly is a virtue in this context. 

Naturally, your next question may be how long it usually takes to see return on your Facebook and Instagram ads? While this again, will vary on a case by case basis, as a general rule of thumb, we usually advise clients to buckle in, and wait an average of 90 days to see results. As the age old saying goes; the tortoise beats the hare everytime. 

Particularly in the context of new clients, a lot of behind the scenes work goes into this 90 day period which they may not be aware of. There is no idle time spent, and these 90 days require all hands on deck! The two main objectives to running successful Facebook and Instagram Ad campaigns relate firstly, to the process of buying data with the purpose of retargeting current clients, and secondly, to run a series of tests on this established audience. This makes us confident in producing promising results, and lays the foundation for success in future campaigns. 

Retargeting customers through bought data:

It comes as no surprise that people who have a vested interest in your brand are more likely to re-purchase, than those who show no active intention. It makes sense that this group of repeat customers are the primary group to target when running Facebook and Instagram ads, but have you ever wondered how this group of buyers is established? Reaching the right audience requires data collection, which comes at a price point. To put it simply, we need to buy customer data and essentially retarget this group to illicit success. We cannot promise significant return during this buying process, however think of it as an investment, as this data is likely to be translated into successful ad campaigns. Sometimes looking backward actually moves us forward, and after all, success is a cumulative process, not a one time event. 

Campaigns need to be tested (and tested and again)

The process of trial and error is another essential step in running a successful Facebook and Instagram ad campaign which again, is often overlooked. Campaigns need to be tested against a number of different variables until the campaign jackpot has been hit. Here at Base Digital, we don’t do things by halves, and there is always something we can trial to ensure campaign success. Do we need to update the creative? Can the copy be further refined? Is our call to action convincing? As you can see, there are seemingly endless testing mechanisms which can be trialed, and always something we can improve, or make better. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that not even the professionals get it right the first time round, and this is why the testing process is so important when it comes to making a profitable campaign. 

So there we have it! Essentially, remaining patient in the process of creating Facebook and Instagram Ad campaigns is the secret behind a profitable outcome. Patience is a virtue in this context, so don’t let it dishearten you when investing in this marketing channel. Good things come to those who wait.