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"In a crowded marketplace,
fitting in is a failure.
In a busy marketplace,
not standing out is the
same as being invisible."

Seth Godin

Digital marketing channels to consider in 2022


January 15, 2022 · 5 min read

What the world has learnt over the last two years is that anything can possibly happen.  We have seen the way that we live, work and socialise change as a result of an pandemic imposed upon us all.  We have seen more traditional businesses pivoting and digitizing their operations to adapt to an online economy.  We are looking into the changes in digital media and forecasting the digital marketing channels that should be within your 2022 media considerations.

Tik Tok:

User engagement is at an alltime high and we have seen Tik Tok command a greater share of their communities attention in 2021.  Fish where the fish are biting and advertise where your customers are spending their time.  We are seeing such strong user engagement and content creation in Tik Tok, that make this platform a prime advertising playground for brands that align with the audience and creative opportunities within this network.  


Despite Pinterest being around for a longer tenure and historically having a higher engagement in the United States than rest of world, we are seeing a shift in Australian utilisation.  The advertising opportunities are presenting cost efficient campaigns and good targeting capability, priming Pinterest for your marketing consideration in 2022.  

Digital Out Of Home:

The cost efficiency and buying capabilities have significantly improved within the digital out of home segment.  Taking a digital and programmatic buying approach to what has historically been a very traditional media channel is now delivering benefits and creative capability to digital billboards.  Target based on intra day factors, revising creative in real time and bidding based on data driven metrics are seeing a return to investment in the out of home channels.  One consideration is to analyse the impact of work from home on daily commutes to make sure that the viewability of your outdoor placements is reaching your intended audience at the right time. 


Personalisation and automation are an increasing function of marketing channels typically across social and email marketing.  With more data and defined customer journies within the digital path to purchase, this brings opportunity for re-engagement and upsell.  Invest in both understanding your customer paths and creating automation activations within that funnel based on user behaviours to improve your conversion rates and customer values. 


The pandemic imposed changes to daily commutes and the ways and places we are working from has ignited the podcast engagement and listenership over the last two years.  Spotify audiences are highly immersed and those businesses that have seen success in traditional radio formats can further digitise their marketing efforts with a more sophisticated Spotify prospecting campaign. 

LinkedIn Ads:

These are not new ad formats, however Linkedin Advertising is a platform that has improved its advertising capability and performance delivery over the last two years.  We are seeing a sharp uplift on our B2B lead generation campaigns within the LinkedIn advertising platform delivering enhanced cost per reach and acquisition consistently.  Leverage the advanced job type, role, industry, geo and CRM targeting capability along with the variety of sponsored content and lead forms to achieve your B2B campaign objectives.

Mobile First:

Long gone are the days of applying a smaller version of a desktop ad into a mobile environment. Introducing mobile first ad creatives with attention time metrics replacing impressions as a source of mobile ad success.  Utilising super skins and other high impact mobile creative placements is a way of commanding interest and attention towards your brand in high impact and fast scroll mobile formats.  You need budget to play in this space and will be wanting to invest in good mobile first creative to maximise your return.  Add it to the 2022 campaign channel mix list.

There will always be a warm place in our heart for our always on channels like SEO, Google Ads and social ads however this might be a time of disrupt to consider testing new markets and platforms that you aren’t yet playing within. Advance your reach and capability and leverage the targeting capability of digital to test, analyse and understand new marketing methods for your business in the year ahead.